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Improve Your Insurance Status

June 07, 2016

There’s many truths and myths about what may or may not affect your policy rates. However, there’s one tried and true rule, the less claims one has, and the more responsibility one has shown throughout his or her life, are what will likely have a significant impact on your policy pricing. However, therein lies the opportunity for saving on your coverage.

Although it does come down to the individual or business in question, what’s important to remember is just like we compete in business, insurance carriers are going to see how you’ve fared within a personal or industry standard. With that, we can help you discover certain aspects, or bright spots, within your personal or business history to help you get the best rates possible.

Often times, there’s hidden values for any individual or business that many insurance agents willfully choose to ignore, but that’s something we actually take pride in uncovering on your behalf. We see it this way… if we can find you a better rate for the same type of coverage, why didn’t your last agency do that?

We’ve always said, our best clients are those who’ve experienced our competition already.
